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Tangier Wood is a 10acre woodland situated within a landscape historically characterised as Woodland and Forestry. It’s an Ancient Replanted Woodland, which The Forestry Commission considers as an area of high priority for woodland management and restoration.


We bought Tangier Wood in 2016 and have been working to regenerate it for the past 9 years.  


Our Woodland Management Plan sets out how we’re working to restore the native tree species and habitats; improve the woodland biodiversity and resilience; and enhance the socio-economic value of the woodland for training and educational opportunities.


We do everything as sustainably as possible. This includes the way we design, build and use the facilities at Tangier Wood.


Where possible, we build everything out of our own wood – using trees we’ve selected for coppicing or thinning. Any off-cuts get used for firewood and we use the sawdust and charcoal we generate for our naturally composting toilet.


We use 100% plant-based soaps and washing liquids in Tangier Wood so no poisons or plastics can seep into our soil and seasonal streams.

Car park.HEIC

Of interest to CCFs/ACFs

  • Mixed terrain woodland for survival, bushcraft, fieldcraft and tactics.

  • Designated camp with purpose-built campfire.

  • Open-space teaching areas and covered outdoor spaces.

  • Archery, axe-throwing and air rifle ranges.

  • Digging and fires permitted onsite.

  • Naturally composting toilets.

  • Vehicle access with onsite and local overspill parking for Instructors. 

Of interest to DofE participants

  • Mixed and bio-diverse semi-ancient woodland. 

  • Sustainable woodland management plan and felling license approved by Forestry Commission.

  • Designated camping and cooking areas.

  • Environmentally friendly composting toilet.

  • Onsite parking, 1km walk from Tunbridge Wells train station. 


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