DofE Gold Residential

You can choose from two different DofE Gold Residentials at Tangier Wood:
Off-Grid Woodland Management and Conservation with Blacksmithing and Deer Skinning [£245]
Off-Grid Woodland Management [£80]
We (Jodie and Jordan) have been working to regenerate Tangier Wood, a 10acre semi-ancient woodland, since 2016. Whichever Residential you choose, as a DofE Gold Participant you'll play a hands-on role in enabling the re-growth and health of Tangier Wood’s native tree species and natural habitats.
You’ll have a fully immersive, off-grid experience – empowered with freedom of action to build the confidence and capabilities to sustain yourself and the woodland resources.
You'll develop your outdoor skills to comfortably look after yourself while you're living live off-grid; learn about woodland management and conservation; and undertake different methods of sustainable woodland management.
Throughout the week, Jordan will dig into his 22yr military experience to offer up bonus skills including tracking and ground sign awareness, and natural navigation. You can also have a crack at axe-throwing on our purpose-built axe-throwing range.
You’ll be camping in the wood for the 5 days with plenty of time to relax, cook and socialise around the fire. We have naturally composting toilets and solar showers.
Off Grid Woodland Management and Conservation with Blacksmithing
and Deer Skinning
Make tools in our woodland blacksmithing forge
Skin a deer with our Licensed Game Keeper
Have a crack at axe-throwing and archery
Achieve your John Muir Discover Award - a nationally recognised environmental award
All meals provided
2025 dates:
April: Sunday 13 - Thursday 17
August: Sunday 10 - Thursday 14
August: Sunday 24 - Thursday 28
You’ll need to bring your own camping equipment for the 5 days.
Off-Grid Woodland
Woodland management activities vary with the seasons and can include:
Coppicing and thinning trees
Pole sawing and limbing
Stream management
Planting and re-wilding
General maintenance
Have a crack at axe-throwing
Bring your own food
2025 dates:
May: Sunday 25 - Thursday 29
July: Sunday 27 - Thursday 31
You’ll need to bring your own camping equipment, food and cooking equipment for the 5 days.
''One of the best experiences of my life. Thank you for teaching me so much over the five days I was there. Feel I grew as a person, conquered some of my fears and enjoyed every minute of it.''
Charlie, April '23
"Awesome place! Awesome people! I love that we leave the wood as we found it. Thank you Jodie and Jordan for THE BEST DofE Residential!! I’m Missing Tangier Wood already!"
Zebedee, April '24
I want to go back to living in the woodland. All the activities were amazing and stuff I had never done before. Since leaving the woodland I have done research on much of what we talked about and feel like my life has changed because of this experience for the better!
Harry, August '24
''Take me back please.''
Mia, April '23
"I absolutely loved the woodland tours, learning about the history and some cool tree facts!! The chilling around the campfire was also wonderful and allowed us to get to know each other well so that every activity was really enjoyable!"
Sophia, April '24
"Deer skinning and bushcraft were my highlights - I enjoyed learning and practising off-grid skills to become more self-sufficient".
Ian, April '24
"Just thought I'd reiterate here how brilliant my 5 days was. I got along well with the other participants and I thought Jodie and Jordan were very welcoming and friendly. I felt at ease from day one!"
Sam, April '24
''Thank you guys so much for this amazing programme!''
Grace, April '23
''I had a really great time and I am so grateful for the experience! You were both so welcoming and lovely and I learnt a ton of new things about woodland management.''
Amelia, April '23